01245 459 906 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
Add some cultural spice to you trip to Spain by visiting the town of Moguer, the birthplace of Spain’s most renowned Nobel Prize for Literature laureate: Juan Ramon Jimenez. A mysterious and prolific writer, he was a poet who at times likened himself to God, and yet wrote some deeply human classics such as Platero and I, a moving story about the relation between a man and his donkey. Once you arrive in the quaint and traditional town of Moguer, enjoy a leisurely stroll through its beautiful streets. The place is filled with marvellous palace-houses where in times of old the town’s aristocracy and upper classes used to live. Then move on to explore the colossal remains of an ancient castle. This huge construction dates back to the 12th century; where once stood an intimidating fortification now hulks an impressive witness of the pass of time. The tour continues with a visit to the town parish and what used to be the house of the poet, Juan Ramon Jimenez. The house is now a museum filled with memorabilia dedicated to promulgating the life and works of the Nobel laureate. Later on, take a trip to the magnificent shrine of Montemayor, a Catholic temple with a striking design. Last but not least, visit the cloister of San Francisco, an impeccably preserved convent where the sunlight weaves in dreamy chiaroscuros through the cloisters’ arches. Take home the special memory of this town filled with poetry, culture, history and myth. Redeem informationVoucher type: PrintedPrinted Voucher. Print and bring the voucher to enjoy the activity. LocationStart point: Pick-up available from hotels located in the Huelva, Punta Umbria, El Rompido, Cartaya, Islantilla, Isla Cristina, Ayamonte and Isla Canela areas. Please call 48 hours in advance to confirm the pick-up time and location. Please ensure you arrive at the pick-up location at least 15 minutes in advance.End point: Same as the starting pointScheduleDuration: 4 HoursGuide optionsGuide type: GuideGroup type: Private
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